It’s common for communication obstacles to exist between a husband and wife. This quiz can help you uncover problems you may have, and help you find ways to overcome them.

1. Your birthday is coming up. Your husband often forgets, so you:
A. Wait to see if he’ll remember
B. Drop hints
C. Remind him

2. If you have a problem with your husband, with whom will you first discuss it?
A. No one
B. A friend or close relative
C. Him

3. Your husband really hurt your feelings. Do you:
A. Lash out and hurt him back?
B. Give him the cold shoulder for a while?
C. Tell him so?

4. If something terribly embarrassing happened to you, would you tell your husband about it?
A. No
B. Maybe
C. Yes

5. Baseball bores you to death, but your husband could discuss it for hours. When the subject comes up, you:
A. Explain you are bored and ask to talk about something else.
B. Change the subject as soon as possible
C. Work on showing some interest

6. You had an unsuccessful job interview and you’re upset. Your husband comes home looking downcast and you:
A. Begin pouring out your story the moment he takes off his coat
B. Tell him you didn’t get the job but try to hide your emotions.
C. Wait until he’s in a better mood to tell him about it

7. For the second time this month your husband has left practically no gas in the car. Do you:
A. Leave the tank empty and see how he likes it?
B. Leave it empty but let him know so he can stop for gas?
C. Fill up the tank but tell him you’re annoyed?

Give yourself one point for each “A” answer, two for each “B” and three for each “C”.
7 to 11 points: You need to put more effort into the communication process. Try to express yourself without becoming defensive — making more statements about how you feel and fewer accusations about your partner’s behavior. Blaming him for your problems will block communication between you.
12 to 17 points: You’re not doing bad, but there are some sensitive spots in your makeup that tend to block communication. You not only have to hear what your husband is saying, but also offer feedback to
make sure you’re hearing him properly.

18 to 21 points: You and your mate probably do a good job of communicating with each other. But
remember—there’s always room for improvement.

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