If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride — and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards. ~ Paul Bryant (1913-1983)

A winner’s spirit is kind. Winners are able to empathize when others make mistakes. They gladly offer a hand of kindness when someone needs help.

A winner’s spirit is humble. Winners have the humility to admit when they are wrong, to learn from mistakes, and to know that they cannot succeed without the help of others.

A winner’s spirit is diligent. Winners have the diligence to continue forward when encountering difficulties. They know that life’s struggles will make them wiser and stronger over time.

A winner’s spirit is generous. Winners give of their time and talents to help others in need. They give proper credit to others who have helped them to succeed.

A winner’s spirit is responsible. Winners take responsibility for their failures and successes. They learn to control harmful impulses and live in healthy moderation.

A winner’s spirit is action oriented. Winners keep the intended outcome of their goals clearly in mind. Then they take carefully planned actions that will lead to their objectives.

A winner’s spirit is thankful. Winners express appreciation for every blessing. They live each day with a grateful heart.

May a winner’s spirit help you to achieve your most cherished dreams!

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