Christians are called to live by faith but strangely we are more vulnerable to the world that was given to us to dominate than the unbelievers are. If we are living without faith we are not living at all. So what makes us think we can pray without faith? The fact is, because we have been living for years in this world before we came into Christ our default reaction to situations and people has been fear. Fear is a form of control when we operate outside of the place of perfect love. But on the flip side faith is a form of surrender to the truth we now have been called to live by. There is a Kingdom we are part of, friends. It is completely different from what we have known this world to be. It operates only by faith. There is a power we have been created to flow in but the more we remain vulnerable to the world we live in, the less we will get to see the Kingdom we are part of. This Kingdom is more real than the world we see, hear, touch and experience.

Friends, be encouraged by this teaching by Pastor Dan Mohler and understand what your default now is in Christ.

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