The world we live in has one trait that is characteristic about it and that is change. Governments rise and fall, markets boom and burst, wealth keeps exchanging hands faster than one can spell wealth, situations we find ourselves in can be quite volatile and lastly people we have in our lives can changes their minds at any time. These are the consequences of a fallen world that once lost its flow it was created for mainly because man lost that connection with God. But because of Jesus and His work through the Cross we now have been ushered into a Kingdom that is very contrasting to this world we live in. Only the ones who are born again by The Spirit can even experience this Kingdom. The characteristic of the Kingdom however is that it is unshakeable. This is the gift of Jesus. The main question this post wants to leave to the reader is that if such a Kingdom is unshakeable then how should the citizen of such a Kingdom be? As a christian we cannot reflect the variability of the world we live in but rather reflect the unshakeability of the Kingdom we are part of.

Here is a blast from the past worship song by Hillsong that you can enjoy as you ponder upon this question:

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