Hey friends, God has been very clear with His instructions to man over the earth: multiply, subdue, replenish the earth and have dominion. Now man has been given dominion on God’s works on earth. We have a very clear mandate on earth. In fact we lost the real essence of this mandate because of the fall and man started to have dominion over man and corrupted the entire mandate as his relationship with God was cut off anyway. But with the coming of Jesus this mandate was restored. As people of God we are the bringers of the gospel to the earth and we demonstrate what the Kingdom of God is about. Jesus taught us to pray as it is in heaven so let God’s will be done on earth. There is no sickness , no poverty, no sadness and no broken relationships in heaven. Therefore as His children we were never meant to live in poverty mentality but rather have a prosperity mentality because Heaven is prosperous in every way. Prosperity can be in terms of wealth or health or even relationships. When we begin to change our perspective and begin to think in that way we will see even money or business in a completely different way.

Business and wealth generated are never the end goal for the Kingdom of God. They are only a tool to bring the Kingdom of God on earth. Imagine the impact Spirit businesses can have on earth! Spirit filled and led businesses can bless the nations they operate in by creating products or solutions that prosper everyone towards the Kingdom. Spirit filled businesses can demonstrate how it is normal to be living in divine health given the fact that sicknesses and diseases cost the productivity of the companies. Spirit filled businesses can demonstrate the way relationships based on love, integrity, trust, effectiveness, understanding, prospering one another can look like through the interactions within the businesses or with the clients or investors or even the customers. Through Kingdom businesses people of God can divert the deficit created because of greed based or competition based nature of the current business scenario. Imagine the number of people that can be helped through the wealth created! Imagine how consistent and brilliant ideas can uplift the poor and even eradicate poverty!

Possibilities are endless when it comes to using business for multiplying God’s image throughout the earth and filling all things with His will. To get one started here is a short video which emphasizes that since wealth is created and not found it is important to first get the plan or the blueprint required to know how one can create wealth. Check out this teaching by Gary Kesee!

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