Christians who do not fully know their God often find themselves in circles of sin and repeated non life producing behaviors. In fact even when the truth about a certain situation is known many Christians do not actually do the truth. If you find yourself to be one of those who have committed something even knowingly, realize that God alone is the source of your life and turn to Him. If you find yourself to one of those who know the truth but find yourself to be disobedient to it, turn yourself over to the Lord and His grace that is able to transform you. All in all you must be willing to admit that only God alone is able to change the situation for you. The bible tells us repeatedly of examples that have gone before us looking at whose lives we can change our behavior in God. We must take those lessons and ensure we do not make those mistakes and if we have already done so let us find out what will get us out of it. God has a plan for your life and it doesn’t simply change but it takes you and you having the right thinking and focus to be able to step into those of God.
We encourage you today with this teaching by brother Todd Kohler who speaks of the process that went towards Gideon’s victory which will encourage you to get out of bondage. Stay blessed!

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