Dear friends, it is a known fact that if we do not trust someone fully we cannot accept what they are saying to us. Often times we so resist the work Holy Spirit wants to do in us because we connect more to the negative aspect of the process. We think that if He is highlighting a certain area that needs to be dealt with and we do not want to let it go subconsciously we silently deflect His promptings and continue doing what we want to. And all the while it is our loss because the Spirit of the Lord, the One who is all Love doesn’t want anything remaining in us that is less than who He has created us to be. It is a fact that how we believe about things or ourselves is what manifests in our lives. So when the Spirit of God comes to expose a mindset in us that is not producing a good fruit it is actually a happy thing that He cares about us so much to show us that mindset and what it is producing. We can be thankful that He is showing us how to rewire our minds so that we can walk in the new and living way. DO we not want that new and living way instead ? How happy are we with repeated cycles and patterns in our lives? How is it even normal to not live in joy and in peace all throughout the day ? Isn’t it the life we have been called for?

Think about this after reading this post: Could it be that so far we have been understanding the intentions and heart of Holy Spirit wrongly or seeing them in a negative light? Could it be that we reject some truths some times only because that is all the grid we have to see Him and this gospel? Could it be that the way that your mind believes is what is causing the self sabotage?

By now we can boldly accept that we have indeed received some truth in our lives. Can we use that point in our lives to look back and see how we believed before that truth came and how we believed after we received it? So can we then not conclude that it was our mind that blocked us and made us live a certain way? But to even get to a place of receiving that truth we had to first trust Holy Spirit. And the more we trust Him the faster we grow because we receive His corrections effectively and as they come. It is possible that we grow fast spiritually. Spiritual growth has nothing to do with physical growth. Let us get to know Holy Spirit personally and in a more intimate manner. He wants to have that kind of a relationship with us more than we could ever want it.

Stay in the truth and keep the truth alive!

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