who is god, is god our father?

Have you ever wondered why God is a true Father? What does it mean when we say He is  a true Father?

He is the God Almighty creator of everything and yet He sees each one of us and works out His amazingness in our lives. According to His oversight over our lives and His perfect wisdom He brings things to pass for us. Even if it means the tiniest detail of our lives.

Why Father why do You do that in our lives?

Why do You love us so much?

Father sees things in multiple dimensions for every life He created. Some of the dimensions I can think of or have experienced are :
1) Acknowledgement of His Presence in our lives (Because without Him what are we anyhow ?).

2)Growth in Him( Because this is key to how we see/face/overcome anything, He asks us to have faith in Him and His word).

3) Time (Father knows when to bring what in our lives).

4)Precious people in our lives whether it be someone ‘close’ we call family or a friend or the most ‘distant’ person like someone we
almost spoke to in public transportation.

5) His knowledge (What do we need to know when?)

6) Circumstances ( which bring us to greater understanding of Him and our created value in His eyes).

7) Enemy’s attacks( Father fights them for us and we simply overcome).

You know, Father is looking at so many aspects at once and with His fervent and consistent love He works out things for us. We have such a Father. Such a Father only deserves a complete life that is surrendered to Him that is fully in love with Him. May He get the adoration that is due Him!

Author: I AM’s daughter

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