One writer said, “If men and women of antiquity could somehow be transported through time to our present era and culture, they would probably be dumbfounded by the number and kinds of choices that are granted to individuals in our society. During Bible times, for the most part, parents exercised a decisive control in the choice of a child’s vocation. Sons usually took up the occupations of their fathers, working the land or using the tools that were passed along from one generation to another. Daughters became wives. Asking a young Israelite if he had discovered God’s will for his life’s work would probably elicit a blank stare.

“Not so today. For young people of our time and culture, the Big Three among the decisions of life are marriage, vocation, and education – though not necessarily in that order. The choices are personal and the options are almost limitless (at least in theory). Given the multitude of possibilities and the importance of the decisions, the urgent search by many Christians for definitive guidance in these areas is certainly understandable. It is at least ironic that our frantic quest for the vocational Dot was no more of an issue to the saints of A.D. 50 than, say, the eating of meat sacrificed to idols is to us today.” (p. 335, Decision Making and the Will of God by Garry Friesen, Multnomah Press, 1980).

The primary issue isn’t “WHAT we do” but “WHO we are” – and what we’re becoming.
Nowhere in Scripture does it say to be overly concerned about what vocation you choose – it does say that we’re to be concerned and give attention to WHO WE ARE and what kind of person we’re becoming.
God is far more concerned about us deepening our LIFE MESSAGE than about which job or career we choose.
Our primary drive in life must be to worship God – to glorify, honor and obey him.
Who do we live for? For whose purposes are we most concerned about – ours or God’s?
What consumes our thoughts more – getting ourselves or God ahead? God’s purposes or mine? God’s kingdom or mine? God’s reputation or mine?
Even the MOTIVES OF OUR HEART are important – am I motivated by a desire to status, for prestige, for self-glory, just to make a ton of money, just to get things? OR – am I seeking God’s face so I can honor him IN MY HEART in all of life?

Christ Memorial Church

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