Each of us born again has an independent standing with God. We present ourselves individually to Him and give our service to Him as priests of God. None of the other Christians even if related by blood or marriage will represent us in front of God. We individually have been given a ministry to fulfill: ministering to God and ministering God to people. Although we do not have to always be in front of people we are in front of God 24/7. What a privilege it is to be given such a place in Christ to be able to minister to God! We are free to worship Him as much as we want. We do not have a pharaoh in our lives who is holding us back, in fact no one can hold us back from worshiping. We are free to present ourselves as the living sacrifice, free to give Him thanks in all circumstances, free to obey Him in truth. NO situation or people can hinder us from ministering to God. This is the freedom that Christ made us step into by laying His life down. We are created to be worshipers of God and Jesus restored us back to that place. Now we are freely set apart for Him alone. Nothing can hold us back unless we purposefully let things hold us. It really is now our choice whether we want to worship Him or not.

Friends, be encouraged with this that you as a believer have a ministry you have been given by Jesus and till you fulfill it you wouldn’t be content with your living. The truth over your life is that you have been made to worship God. Seek Him with all your heart and fulfill your ministry in Him by the Spirit.

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