God is love and He created us in His image. Which means we were created to love one another. A definition of ministry or a church is a meeting that meets the love needs of people. The reality is, everybody hurts in one way or the other. And nobody can be ruled out of it. Everybody has a hurt. Everybody has a struggle. It doesn’t matter how nicely put together you look. It doesn’t matter whether your shoes match your purse. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got a great house and a great car and a great job. It doesn’t really matter if all those things are in place because somewhere in your life is a hurt, a need, a struggle. Part of the reason this church exists is to help meet those needs with love. And not even just the needs of you here but the community where we know people are aching and dying.

The above listed things are not the exhaustive list but you can relate to them. Every church has such a thing present in it. So one of the purposes we exist is to show love, to meet needs. John 13:35 “By this shall all men know that you are My disciples that you have love for one another.” Jesus could have thought of all kinds of reasons, all kinds of hallmarks for His disciples and He had the opportunity right here to tell them, This is what I want you to be known for. He didn’t say to His disciples, “I want you to be known for your fabulous preaching. I want you to be known for the great clothes you wear. I want you to be known for the beautiful temples that you build.” He said, “I want you to have a reputation in this world as people who love.”

In reality everybody likes to look at real pretty things but is not all pretty things that matter.You could have spent a ton of money building a nice building but that is not what God wants. Every church should be know for something. It should be know for the love it shares with people. It should be know for the good things it does for the community. Not to make name but to give because of love. And when we give because of Love you will not brag about it. You will give credit and honour to Him is due and that is our Lord Jesus.

As you go to church meeting every day remember to share the love God has placed in you.

Stay blessed.

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