Overcoming Jealousy

Jealousy is a great deal and a big issue in a woman’s life and even Christian women can be victims of this spirit. When it hits you, your whole world goes dark and your mind is filled with negativity.

Jealousy likes to be in competition with someone else such as running in a race, and the one who reaches the line wins the game. Can you imagine doing this over and over again? It is not only tiring but you are also missing half of what God has for you. Your eyes are fixed on winning over your competitor.

Overcoming Jealousy
Overcoming Jealousy

What does the bible say about jealousy? One best example of a jealous being is, of course, Lucifer, the fallen angel (now known as Satan). He was very jealous of God and wanted to be like Him. In Isaiah 14:12-14, here are the 5 things Lucifer desired: 

  • “I will ascend into heaven,
  • I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: 
  • I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
  • I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; 
  • I will be like the most High.”

Lucifer envied God, who is exalted above all, praised above all and worshiped above all else which made him try to compete with God but he failed. No one can compete with our Heavenly Maker for He alone is the Highest. When you are jealous, you wanted to always be the first or be at the top.

Another example of jealousy in the Bible was Saul who was overly jealous with David to the point that he desired to kill David (read 1 Samuel 18:1-16). Saul was being tormented by this spirit because he feared that David would soon become a King and overthrow him in his position. 

Nothing good can happen from a person who is jealous, and it also alienates and makes the person you are jealous of to suffer without you knowing it. All women have their own flaws, weaknesses and imperfections and somehow, jealousy can hit all women. Nevertheless, you can overcome this through Jesus Christ and God’s Word.

Jesus Christ has paid a great price so that jealousy can no longer have power over you! By the blood of Jesus, you can be freed from this nasty spirit! Therefore, how are you going to deal with jealousy?

Jesus Christ has paid a great price so that jealousy can no longer have power over you! By the blood of Jesus, you can be freed from this nasty spirit!
Overcoming Jealousy
  1. Think about that person you are jealous of.
  2. Write down on paper the reasons why you are jealous of that person.
  3. Look up to God’s Word and find something to pair it with. For example, you listed down that you are jealous of this person because she has beautiful skin. Pair it with what God’s Word is saying about you: Psalm 139:14, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”)

    Overcoming Jealousy
    Overcoming Jealousy
  4. Read out loud the Word of God. 
  5. Every time this jealousy is triggered, God will remind you of His Word about you.

    Every time this jealousy is triggered, God will remind you of His Word about you.
    Overcoming Jealousy

By doing this, you will surely overcome jealousy in no time. By God’s grace, mercy and His Word, you can be freed from this spirit tormenting you in Jesus’ mighty name.

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