Have you ever asked an elderly person what their most significant observation about life was? Their answers would be fascinating. The host of experiences that a person has in a lifetime, particularly the difficult times, helps form overarching statements about life. Many become perplexed and anxious because of the pressures of life. Sometimes even God’s people are put to severe tests. However, those who have walked the path of life with God have found Him faithful. Those who trust God and commit their ways to Him are never made ashamed. These principles will help solve that form of anxiety you are yearning to solve. Here are four keys on how to deal with anxiety

Psalm 37:1-8

Do not envy the wicked. Maintaining proper attitudes and coping with the emotions that come when one sees the undeserved prosperity and success of the wicked can sometimes be a hard task. When some people see the wicked prosper, they often feel anxiety, anger and wrath. These can only lead to other evils. When God’s people fail to respond correctly, they run the risk of becoming like those they despise. For a Christian, the motives and methods used to achieve prosperity and success are more important than the prosperity or success itself.

Focus on the Lord. God’s people should not expend their energy fretting or being anxious about the workers of iniquity. Rather, the focus of the righteous should be toward God – on their attitudes, responses and relationship with Him. Those who have wholly committed themselves to God will not pursue desires that are contrary to His will. The more you seek Him, the more He adds on the things you need to your life.

Psalm 37:9-19

Wait for God’s justice. God will work on behalf of His people to accomplish what earthly wealth and power cannot do. The apostle Paul summarized this as the sovereign hand of God bringing everything in life to a beneficial end for those who are his own (Rom 8:28). The wicked may attack those deemed easy prey – the poor and needy and those who live uprightly, yet the outcome will not be what they expect. Instead of flourishing, they will perish. In other words, they will fail in their attempt to pin you down.

Psalm 37:23-26

Acknowledge God’s provision. Those whose manner of living is built on biblical standards and priorities will have chosen a course of life with which God is pleased. While God is active in the general flow of people’s lives, individuals can make choices which qualify them to receive special blessings. At times it seems that the righteous are forsaken but God has proven His faithfulness, He upholds and provides in due time.

There is a difference in the calamities that confront God’s people versus those that confront the wicked. This difference cannot be measured in terms of the quality or intensity of the trial but rather becomes the difference between the righteous and the wicked. When a true follower of God experiences hard time, even what appears to be absolute ruin, God has already committed Himself to providing a firm, unmoving support so that recovery can always be achieved. Don’t worry or be perturbed by what you see for God is always there to lift you up and set your feet upon the rock that can never be shaken. Hope you enjoyed reading this article about the four key answers on how to deal with anxiety

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Verses from KJV used with permission

Image by Pastor Nikia from

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