When the intimacy with Holy Spirit deepens we truly begin to see the real nature of His. Those words which we read in the new testament become experiential knowing of Him. The more we know Him the more we understand how much He is truly for us. If He convicts us of something, it is because He knows how He really created us. Even when we sometimes forget and drift off into others issues of life or cruise life with the understanding we have from the world, He is still there waiting. Can you actually recognize the fact that He is always ever present and our unwillingness to walk in His ways doesn’t make Him say : “that’s enough I am out of here ?”. He is love Himself and suffers long and is kind. He keeps working in us without loosing sight of where He is going. Such a trusted companion we have. Let us truly honor His presence, work and desire in our live. Enjoy this song of worship which obviously resulted out of deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Be blessed!

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