What Does the Bible Say about Burdens?

Burdens can really put heavy weights in our lives especially the ones that seem impossible. Sometimes we don’t even know that we are burdened by some issues in our lives because worrying seems to be natural part of life. But it really isn’t. In fact, when we are worried, it shows that we have no trust in God.

Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."

I remembered that I was also once burdened by a heavy load that I wasn’t even aware of. I was burdened of my elder sister who was stricken with an illness. Ever since we found out that she had health complications, our world turned upside down. Sickness can sometimes shock you by surprise and it was something my family wasn’t prepared for. Somehow, every time I looked at my sister during those days, there was heaviness in my heart. I was even afraid to be with her alone for she might fall on the ground any time. I got so paranoid. Though I trusted God for her healing, I didn’t know that I was carrying a spirit called burden until someone prayed for me and commanded the spirit of burden to come out of my life. And after the prayer, I felt so light. And I wasn’t afraid or worried about anything anymore. I realized how much time I’ve wasted carrying on that burden that never really helped at all. I was thankful that God did not allow my ignorance about burden to consume me and ruin my life.

Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”

Have you thought about the burdens that you have been carrying maybe for a week, a month, a year or even longer now? What are these burdens? Now that you have come to know that burdens aren’t supposed to be kept in your life, it’s time to let them go and give them to God. Believe me, as you do this, you will feel the peace of God and the heaviness will be lifted off from your life in Jesus’ name.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Enter into God’s rest by giving all the burdens in your heart to Jesus for it is only Him who can do all things that seem impossible to us. God will take care of you and all the things that matters to you as you let go and let God. Simply trust in the LORD who is faithful in all things.


Heavenly Father,
I thank You for Your marvelous Word. Thank you that I have come to know that burdens aren’t supposed to be carried by me. I should give them all to you. Look into my heart and see all the burdens that I have carried. I don’t want them anymore in my life and I command them to go right now in the name of Jesus. Lord, forgive me for leaning on my own understanding. I believe that You will take care of everything in my life including those that I can’t understand. I will trust in You, my Father in Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

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