
Humans as we are we always do not want to let of yesterday. We want to live in past glories, past victories and the most devastating one is reliving past failures

What has happened has already happened. A mistake made yesterday should be forgiven and we have to learn to move on


Tomorrow is a future event. When tomorrow comes it will be today. There is great many people always saying to themselves. Tomorrow will be a better day. Tomorrow I will do this. Tomorrow I will do that. Such thoughts put people in a fear mode and make them anxious.

The Bible says we should not be anxious of what will happen tomorrow because God is in control. Until we learn to understand this principle we will never enjoy the now moment we are in


Letting go of yesterday and surrendering tomorrow clarifies today. Our minds get focused on what we have to do at the moment. Any person who understands that the now moment is the one that changes tomorrow appreciates and puts in every effort to make the moment a better one

Thats the Bread to digest for the day

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