How Can We Better Understand Scripture?

Have you ever found yourself poring over a passage in the Bible, feeling like you’re trying to unravel an enigmatic puzzle? Making sense of Scripture can occasionally feel overwhelming.

But here’s the thing, after dedicating years to biblical studies and spending countless hours nurturing lively bible study groups, I’ve come to see that unlocking the wisdom within God’s Word isn’t reserved for academic circles. It truly is within reach for every one of us when we adopt some practical strategies.

Our mission here is clear; this article aims to serve as your compass, pointing you towards these hidden spiritual jewels. As you continue reading, prepare yourself for a transformative path toward uncovering clarity and forming a profound bond with the millennia-old wisdom nestled in Scripture.

How Can We Better Understand Scripture?
How Can We Better Understand Scripture?

Tips for Understanding Scripture

How Can We Better Understand Scripture?
How Can We Better Understand Scripture?

Navigating the depths of Scripture can sometimes feel like trying to find your way through an ancient, sprawling forest—intimidating, yet full of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.

We don’t have to wander aimlessly; there are proven strategies that can help us cut through the underbrush and grasp the heart of God’s Word.

Pray before reading

Before we dive into Scripture, let’s take a moment to talk with God. It’s like asking for directions before starting a trip—you want to make sure you’re going the right way.

How Can We Better Understand Scripture?
How Can We Better Understand Scripture?

With that in mind, we can bow our heads and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as we read His words. The Bible says in (James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.) that if any of us lack wisdom, we should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you
How Can We Better Understand Scripture?

By praying first, we open our hearts to understand what He is teaching us through His Word.

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s actually pretty smart! Think about it—God knows everything there is to know about the Bible because it’s His sacred message to us. Who better to explain it than Him? 

Read in context and get the big picture

We all know that reading a few words or sentences from the Bible can be like peeking through a keyhole—we only see one part of the picture. To really understand Scripture, we need to step back and look at everything around those verses.

That means checking out what comes before and after them in the text.

Think about who first heard these words and where they were when it happened. The New Testament wasn’t written in our time or for our culture, so we have to dig into history to grasp its messages. This way, we’re not just skimming—we’re diving deep into God’s Word!

Utilize resources and seek guidance from others

Understanding the Bible can sometimes feel like a big task. Sometimes we need help to get it right.

  • Ask for advice from people who love studying the Bible. They’ve often spent years learning, and they have so much to share. You could chat with your pastor or find a friend who is passionate about the Scriptures.

    How Can We Better Understand Scripture?
    How Can We Better Understand Scripture?
  • Join a Bible study group. This way, you can learn with others and see different views that help you understand better. Plus, it’s fun to learn together!
  • Read books by smart people who know a lot about the Bible. They write down their insights so we can learn too.
  • Look for good study Bibles that come with notes on each page. These notes explain tough verses or give more info about what life was like back when the Bible was written.
  • Visit websites with solid teachings on the Bible. Make sure they’re trustworthy and stick to what the Bible really says.
  • Listen to podcasts or watch videos from well-known Christians who teach the Bible clearly.
  • Find apps that offer daily readings, along with explanations or devotions to think about. Tech can be super helpful in our spiritual growth!

Ways to Deepen Understanding of Scripture

How Can We Better Understand Scripture?
How Can We Better Understand Scripture?

Navigating the depths of Scripture often feels like embarking on a treasure hunt, each verse offering golden insights into our faith and daily walk. Given that, let’s dive into how we can immerse ourselves more fully in these sacred texts, truly absorbing the life-changing wisdom they hold. Beyond just reading the words on the page, it’s about letting them transform our hearts and minds from the inside out.

Immerse yourself in the New Testament

To really get what the New Testament is about, we should dive right into it. Think of it as spending time with a friend—you get to know them better the more you hang out. It’s like that with all the stories and letters in the New Testament.

We read about Jesus’ life, his love, and how he wants us to live. Through books like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—also called the Gospels—we can learn about the greatest moments in biblical history.

It lights something inside us when we learn from the faith journeys of the apostles in the Bible. It is like having mentors from way back guiding our steps today! Diving deep into Galatians or Ephesians, we find that Paul writes to friends across cities; his timeless words spark hope and show us grace at work.

As we absorb these powerful life lessons, let’s keep moving through the Scriptures. 

Follow a Bible plan

Soaking ourselves in the Scriptures opens our hearts to Jesus Christ’s life and teachings. Now, let’s explore how following a Bible plan can better structure our approach.

  • Pick out a Bible reading plan that aligns with your goals. Whether we want to understand the big narrative or focus on topics like salvation, there’s a plan out there for us. It might take us through the books of Moses first or dive straight into the wisdom of Proverbs.
  • Choose a version of the Bible that speaks to you. Some of us might connect with the straightforward language of the New Living Translation, while others find valuable depth in the King James Version.
  • Set aside time each day for your Bible reading. This could be during quiet times in the morning or right before bed. This becomes our daily bread—food for our souls.
  • Read with purpose and reflect on what you’ve read. After going through a passage in, say, Romans or Ephesians, pause and think about what it might mean for your life.
  • Use tools to help you understand tricky parts. Commentaries by folks like Billy Graham or maps showing where Paul the apostle traveled can clear up confusion.
  • Share your insights with friends or family. Talking about what we learn helps it stick better in our minds—and we might just help someone else too!
  • Don’t rush; some plans take over a year so we can really chew on every bit of God’s Word. Rushing might make us miss something important.
  • If you get lost or overwhelmed, ask for help from a pastor or someone who knows their Bible studies well. There’s no shame in asking questions—we’re all here to grow!
  • Celebrate milestones when you complete dense sections like the Gospel of John or tackle tough ones like Revelations. These are big steps in understanding biblical history better!

Have a Bible study or accountability partner

Studying the Bible with friends brings new views to light. Having someone to share thoughts and questions with helps us grow.

Studying the Bible with friends brings new views to light. Having someone to share thoughts and questions with helps us grow.
How Can We Better Understand Scripture?
  • Find a friend who loves God’s Word too.
  • Set a regular time and place.
  • Choose what parts of the Bible to explore.
  • Prepare questions for each session.
  • Share insights and discuss openly.
  • Pray together before and after studying.
  • Encourage each other in applying biblical truths.
  • Hold each other accountable lovingly.
  • Celebrate growth and victories together.

Attend church for further learning and discussion

Going to church isn’t just about worship. It’s also a great place for us to dive deeper into Scripture. For example, imagine that you’re sitting in a pew, the pastor shares insights from the Book of Romans or reflects on Jesus’ life, and something clicks! That verse you read last night suddenly makes sense.

And it’s not just pastors who help us see things differently; it’s each other too. We chat, we debate kindly, we puzzle over teachings together—like that tricky concept in Deuteronomy or what Apostle Paul said to the Gentiles.

Have you ever found yourself stuck on a complex passage? Ask someone at church! They might see things from an angle you haven’t thought of yet. Think of church as God’s family getting together—full of big brothers and sisters all ready to share what they know about our Father and His word.

Maybe one Sunday during communion, your neighbor in the next seat whispers how Boaz is a picture of Jesus—the Savior! You get it now… because sometimes faith feels clearer when we figure it out as a team.


So, how can we get better at understanding Scripture? Start by asking for help from God. Make sure to look at the stories and words in their full setting. Get some good books or talk to friends who love studying the Bible too! Remember, diving into Jesus’ life and learning through church teachings can open our lives up to new insights.

Think about joining a group that loves the Bible as much as you do; it’s more fun to learn together! And why not set yourself a challenge—maybe try to memorize one verse a day?

Understanding God’s Word is so important for us—it helps us know Him better and find eternal life. When we take these steps, growing in wisdom isn’t just possible, it becomes part of our journey with Jesus every day.

So, let’s be bold—pick up your favorite Bible version (maybe ESV?) and step into this adventure today!


1. What’s the story with all the different parts of the Bible, like the epistles?

The epistles are letters written by apostles, like Paul, to share wisdom and teach about Jesus’ life and teachings. Think of them as ancient emails giving us advice on how to live a good life.

2. How can I make sense of what the Apostle Paul says about being right with God?

Paul talks a lot about justification. That’s just a fancy way of saying how we get right with God because of what Jesus did when He died for us. It’s like getting a clean slate!

3. Is reading Scripture in order really that important?

Reading the books of the Bible in chronological order can help you understand how and when everything happened! Plus, it helps you see how past events shape what comes later.

4. Why does my Bible say ‘ESV’ on it? What does that mean?

‘ESV’ stands for English Standard Version; it’s one type of translation from the original languages (like Hebrew and Greek) into modern-day English so that more people can read and absorb what Scripture is saying.

5. Why do some people memorize verses from Scripture? Does it actually help?

Totally! Memorizing scripture plants those words deep in your heart so that you can remember them anytime—whether you’re feeling happy or having a rough day. It’s like having an invisible treasure chest inside your mind!

6. Who wrote the Song of Solomon, and why do people make such a big deal out of it?

The Song of Solomon was written by King Solomon! This book is in a poetic format, talking about love and relationships. It shows how beautiful love can be, which is pretty cool if you ask me.

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