inspiration quotes with pictures (33)
GOD wanted something and we did something else, how could He be pleased in anyway? Is divorce ever pleasing to GOD? Never! GOD made man and he saw it was not good for man to be alone and then He made woman. Now GOD commanded man and woman to be together, that is marriage. How could divorce please Him?
Most people do not understand the reason for marriage; that is the first step that brings marriages to divorce. For some, marriage is a license to have sex with someone, for others it is a way of gaining respect in the society, and for yet others marriage is having someone else for assistance in their life and business or whatever. Well, for GOD, marriage is to beget children that are obedient to GOD; that is to create GOD loving generations. If we forget the purpose that GOD put in for marriage, and if we put in our own purposes, then GOD will not be happy. We will get confused, frustrated and suffer from, if we don’t have the right purpose and act the right way. So that leads to disagreement and at the end to divorce.
How good would it be if Jesus answers this question for us? He actually did when those who lived at His time wanted to tempt him by questions and their intelligent (or so they thought!) arguments. “The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19: 3-6 KJV). Jesus said it ironically, that “let no man put asunder”. There is no second answer, is divorce ever pleasing to GOD? NO!
The people who think that they are clever will always ask questions and will tempt to tempt GOD. So they asked Him about the commandments of Moses which said that they can divorce their wives for a several bad things. Jesus answered that it was because of their hardened hearts that Moses had to give them the commandments. Jesus did not just speak and stop; He made an example of himself that even the sin of prostitution can be forgiven. Jesus forgave the woman accused of prostitution and told her not to sin again. If GOD forgives and let them live a good life, who are we to question?
The main point being here is that even for prostitution if your wife can be forgiven, so should be your husband. If you both can forgive both of yourselves for even that, what else is standing between both of you? In most cases, it is the proud and egoistic manners of men and woman that lead to divorce. And my GOD will never be pleased of divorces. So brothers and sisters, keep in mind, you don’t want to put apart what GOD had put together.

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