At the end of your life if you were asked, “How can you determine if your life was worthwhile?” How would you answer that? You come to the end of your life and start reviewing it and you say, “Did my life count? Did my life make a difference, an impact?” What are you going to look for? Wealth? Fame? Popularity? Pleasure? Experiences you had in life?

There are three things you can do with life. Three options.
1. I can waste my life. “You only go around once in life. Go with gusto!” Live for today. Do your own thing. If it feels good, do it. Waste your life.
2. I can spend my life. I can spend it on a career, a family, making a name for myself. I can spend my life in many different ways.
3. I can invest my life.
The best use of your life is to invest your life in something that outlasts it. The people, who waste their lives, we call fools. The people, who spend their lives, we call average. They get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed, retire and die. But the people who invest their lives we call leaders.

How to invest your life in a way that’s going to outlast it.
God has given me some talents. He’s given you some talents. He’s given you some abilities. “To one who gave five talents, to another two talents, to another one talent, each according to his ability.” The word “talent” (when we talk about it today) actually comes from this story.
In the Bible, the word “talent” was just a measurement of money, approximately $1000. But because this story has been told for two thousand years, the word “talent” now refers to the way we think it means as talent. He’s saying that God has given us some talents. He’s allocated some things. Some get five, some get two, some get one – each according to his ability.

A talent is anything God has entrusted to me. Anything. Anything that God has entrusted to me can be a talent. There are actually three different varieties of talents: abilities, resources, opportunities. All three of those are trust. God gives you resources, He gives you abilities, He gives you opportunities. All three of those are gifts of God. We don’t own those things. They are allocated to you.

Couple of lessons:
The amount differs but everybody gets something. That’s the point I want to make here.
Somebody got ten talents, somebody gets five talents, somebody gets two talents, somebody gets one talents. There are different abilities and different levels of talent but everybody gets something. There are no no-talent people in the world. There’s no such thing as a no-talent
person. Everybody has at least one talent. The amount differs but everybody gets something. Romans 12:6 “We each have different gifts according to the grace God has given to us.” It’s grace but they’re all different gifts. You’re unique. You’re different. Everybody has at least one talent and we all have different talents. That’s the Principle of Allocation.


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