“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6”
Healing begins when you do something. People don’t get healed when we don’t do anything. God’s word is forever settled in heaven. It is up to us to let it be settled on Earth. God’s help is near and always available, but it’s given to those who seek it.

Healing starts when you take a step. God honors radical, risk-taking faith. The Bible always says by His stripes, we were healed. It means the moment Christ shared his blood, everybody in this world received their healing. People get healed when you go and lay your hands on them and command that sickness to go out.

When arks are built, lives are saved. When soldiers march, Jerichos tumble.
When staffs are raised, seas still open. When a lunch is shared, thousands are fed.
And when a garment is touched by the hand of an anemic woman in Galilee—Jesus stops! He stops and responds.
We are called to do something and not sit around and watch the world go down.

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