How Did Jesus Deal With Disappointment?

How Did Jesus Deal With Disappointment?

We’ve all been there—the ache of disappointment, that heavy heart we carry when life takes an unexpected detour or when someone breaks a promise. As followers of Christ, how we navigate these rough waters can deeply influence our walk with God. Now, let’s consider Jesus—yes, that carpenter from Nazareth—and how He faced letdowns and heartaches…

How Can You Deal with Sin?

How Can You Deal with Sin?

We’ve all found ourselves entangled in sin’s brambles at some point. It lurks in the shadows of our journey, offering deceptively easy paths that veer us off course. Through years of ministry, sermons delivered from the heart, and intimate conversations within the sanctuary’s walls, I’ve come to see just how far-reaching this battle with sin…

How Can We Better Understand Scripture?

How Can We Better Understand Scripture?

Have you ever found yourself poring over a passage in the Bible, feeling like you’re trying to unravel an enigmatic puzzle? Making sense of Scripture can occasionally feel overwhelming. But here’s the thing, after dedicating years to biblical studies and spending countless hours nurturing lively bible study groups, I’ve come to see that unlocking the…

Characteristics Of A Godly Husband

Characteristics Of A Godly Husband

In the quest for a fulfilling marriage, the search for a partner who embodies godly virtues is an adventure that demands more than just surface-level charm. It’s no secret that the foundation of any strong relationship lies in characteristics rooted deeply in spiritual commitment and growth—a truth well-acknowledged by those who have weathered life’s storms…